Noah Feels the Difference

Being on the green team was awesome, I actually felt like I was making a difference. Seeing all the trash we sorted find its proper place was so refreshing compared to many other festivals that ignore the fact that attendees are producing more waste than they would on a normal day. Trash sorting obviously isn’t […]
Zach Feels the Positive Energy on Green Team
I think that my favorite part about volunteering for the green team this past year was just the positive energy from everyone and how willing and eager everyone was to help our with recycling the best that they could. I received countless hugs and high fives from all different kinds of people, and that really […]
Benjamin Makes a Great Case!
If being at Summer Camp over memorial day weekend is a priority to you, why not go for free?! I’ve realized over time that there are two general types of S’Campers: a). The camper that hangs out and observes the awesomeness from the sidelines. These folks, more often than not, are the first timers or […]
Ronald Loves Volunteering!

My best memories from the last two years is the feeling of being involved in a team that gets things done. Every single Volunteer is participating to make Summer Camp a safe and memorable event. The new friends made and the awesome staff are worth the effort.
Christopher Makes a Difference with Rock the Earth

As 2014 was getting closer and closer to Memorial Day weekend, I didn’t think I was going to make it to SCAMP. Very dissapointing. . . But 2 days before the weekend my friend Shelby called me and told me she has a friend who needs someone to volunteer in exchange for a free ticket. […]
Brett Has a New Perspective After Joining the Green Team

Since 2012 I mainly volunteer when I go to festivals and normally I would avoid the Green Team at all costs, the idea of picking up trash and stuff just wasn’t for me. I signed up late in 2014 so ended up doing Green Team for the first time. It ended up being a huge […]
Michael is Impacted by a Touch of Grey
My first year at Summer Camp, and also my first year Volunteering. I was manning the VIP Parking entrance earlier in the morning around 8 – 9am. I was sleepy from the red barn the night before, but was ready and willing to provide my time. As I was helping out, I noticed an older […]
Paige and Best Friend Make New Friends as First Time Scampers!
I went to SCamp for the first time in 2015 with a friend I’ve known since high school (30 some years ago!). Volunteering was the best decision we could have made as first-timers and at our ages. We were embraced and felt like part of everything right from the start. It would have been too […]
Derek Makes a New Best Friend AND Meets Wiz Khalifa!
I’m not to sure this is the correct year, but what I do remember is volunteering with a person named Grant. He had recently broken up with his girlfriend and was not having the best of time. We were stationed together checking wristbands, and we got to talking and eventually found out we both had […]
Joseph Gets a Different Perspective
As a volunteer at summer camp I was in charge of checking peoples wristbands at different locations. The locations varied from the main gate to vip camping. It was very exciting for me to see the festival from a different perspective especially because I was part of general admission the previous year. Being at my […]