SOULPATCH openly collaborates with educators, organizations and businesses to demonstrate a variety of growing methods, natural building techniques, and permaculture systems. SOULPATCH exists to support a vision of strong communities engaged in the social and economic health of local bioregional food culture.
During Summer Camp Music Festival you can find a variety of happenings in the garden such as:

SOULPATCH has a large network of collaborators and educators that come together to create interactive workshops in the garden for Scampers to attend during the festival.
From nature-based art workshops to deep in-depth discussions and keynote speakers, we are dedicated to being open to meeting people where they are at in their journey to be closer to the earth. Workshops happen all over the garden so check out the schedule to see what’s happening!

Festival patrons can both passively and actively engage in demonstrations representing basic garden principles and advanced permaculture systems. Placards with informative descriptions and laminated diagrams accompany each installation.
The festival-goers can informally peruse through the garden, meandering at their own pace. Alternatively they can seek out the conversation and advise of a Garden Host. These volunteers, with a background in horticulture gardening and permaculture, can answer questions and help the patrons design and plan a garden space back home.
The Activation Stations are appealing fun hands-on focus points, designed to attract festival patrons into the garden area. Attendees engage in a tangible experience and obtain a memento or gardening action task for when they return home.
The teachings exhibit better practices and choices for the natural world, bridging connection points for SOULPATCH visitors to a broader conversation around healthy ecosystems.


SOULPATCH is grounded in a recognition that the resource consumption of today has broad implications on the world future generations will inherit. Since the formative years, the SOULPATCH programing has enjoyed extensive support and leadership from local community members of Native American ancestry and ideology.
Through the years, a continuation and expansion of native wisdom ceremony, lessons and offerings strengthens the impact of programing in the hopes that the prayer and context of the Seventh Generation Principle will deepen in philosophical understandings and attitudes.
SOULPATCH thanks the individuals of Eagle Ridge and Friends, 7 Circles Native American Heritage Center, and the Lakota Edwards family for their continued guidance, participation and fellowship.
The relaxed lounge atmosphere of SOULPATCH offers a comforting space to drop in off the beaten path. In essence, the area transforms into a space that favors conversation, calming seating nooks to unwind with friends, and interludes of very light scheduled programing content.

The self-guided garden walk is still accessible and continues, even into the night, to stimulate discussion about our natural world. SOULPATCH at Night is a soothing sanctuary vibe providing a recharge amidst garden energies.

Garden Hostess or Hosts are volunteers with gardening, horticulture or permaculture experience. Their role is to field questions about the interactive garden walk installations and help SCMF participants enhance garden ambitions back home.
Garden Hostess/ Hosts also facilitate the SOULPATCH Activation Stations; curated experiential hands-on based activities coupled with in-depth discussions.