As a volunteer at summer camp I was in charge of checking peoples wristbands at different locations. The locations varied from the main gate to vip camping. It was very exciting for me to see the festival from a different perspective especially because I was part of general admission the previous year. Being at my favorite festival i was already in an amazing mood and i tried to make sure anyone I interacted with left as happy as I was if not happier. I couldn’t have asked for a better more supportive and helpful staff to run the volunteer groups. The leaders were extremely organized and always upbeat. At the end of every shift if your leader wasn’t too busy they would ask you where you would like to go and go out of their way to drop you at the next show or as close to your campsite as they could get you. It was a great opportunity to be a working/functional part of my favorite music festival and still get to see all my favorite mus ic all with the pretty price tag of a smile and a little bit of my time.