Bring your skills to Summer Camp!
Act now, complete your application and share your talents and passion at Summer Camp Music Festival! There are currently 4 applications open where you can participate by hosting a workshop, demonstrating a garden concept or showcase your artistic talents! Apply Below.
Apply to join the Live Art Gallery
Calling all visual artists! The Soulshine Live Art Gallery is an exhibition of distinctive visual artists, builders and creators aimed at providing high quality, unique art for display and for sale, while creating a live visual experience.
Apply to host a Soulshine workshop or activity
Think you have a great idea for a Soulshine Experience workshop or activity? We want to hear from you! Over the years, we have hosted everything from instrument making to biodiesel manufacturing, and human powered energy to artistic DIY techniques.
Apply to display your art installation
New in 2019 to Summer Camp Music Festival, we’re looking for your INSTALLATION! Have a beautiful, engaging, enticing project you want to share with all of your Summer Camp friends? Here’s your chance!
Apply to become a SOULPATCH Collaborator
Gardeners, Growers and Farmers: The SOULPATCH Application for New Collaborators is soliciting new partnership opportunities for engaging and interactive demonstrations regarding urban gardening, permaculture, natural building, sustainable design and regenerative agriculture.